Research Article

The Interwoven Aesthetics and Identification: On Aesthetic Modernity in Frankenstein


  • Yuqing Fu College of Foreign Studies, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China


Frankenstein is famous for its exploration of humanity in its bizarre plots, but the importance of this work also lies in its aesthetic modernity, which is revealed under the veil of the complementarity of aesthetics and identification. Based on the relevant theories of aesthetics and modernity, this thesis attempts to analyze the aesthetic connotation and literary expression of Frankenstein from both aspects of content and form and to reveal the aesthetic modernity in this novel. The novel exquisitely depicts the desire and reflection of the created “monster” on beauty and identity, exposes the social ills and humanity defects resulting from Enlightenment modernity in the contradiction between the construction of subjectivity and the modern aesthetic shackles, expands the scope and boundary of sympathy in the switch of multiple narrative perspectives, thus constructing a community of compassion in literary creation. As a result, Frankenstein and its research from the perspective of aesthetic modernity have great literary value and significance.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

7 (8)





How to Cite

Fu, Y. (2024). The Interwoven Aesthetics and Identification: On Aesthetic Modernity in Frankenstein. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 7(8), 209–215.



Aesthetic modernity, Sublimity, Monstrosity, Sympathy, Frankenstein