Research Article

The Four Dimensions of Disability Narrative: Race, Gender, Ethics, and Affection


  • Xinyue Wang College of Foreign Languages, Northeast Forestry University, Heilongjiang, China


As an emerging study field, disability studies still have many innovative aspects that need to be exposed in terms of research perspective and depth. Disability narrative is one of the perspectives. Due to the strong inclusiveness of narratology itself, in its continuous cross-research with other fields, there have been death narratives, hero narratives, illness narratives, trauma narratives, and so on. Even though there are currently no scholars defining the disability narrative, it can still prove the feasibility and rationality of its emergence. This paper aims to reveal the changes in the identity construction of disabled characters and their important roles in the narrative process by focusing on the representation of the Normal/Abnormal and the Subject/Other and the four dimensions of race, gender, ethics, and emotions that appear in disability narratives in the literary field.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

7 (8)





How to Cite

Wang, X. (2024). The Four Dimensions of Disability Narrative: Race, Gender, Ethics, and Affection. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 7(8), 202–208.



Disability narrative; Normal/Abnormal; Dimension; Disabled characters