Research Article

The Effects of Online Texting on Moroccan EFL University Students’ Writing Skills


  • Mounim LAKHAL Doctoral Candidate, Ibn Tofail University, Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, Kenitra, Morocco.


With the rapid proliferation of ubiquitous ICTs, promoting technology-based learning has become a key element in educational discourse. The present study explores the effects of online texting on the writing skills among Moroccan university students. Based on the explanatory sequential mixed-methods design, the data were collected from a convenience sample of n=243 of first-year English department students. The research tools consist of a survey, a writing test and an interview to gain an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of respondents’ attitudes and lived experiences vis-à-vis online texting. The findings have revealed that online texting has yielded both positive and negative outcomes on students’ writing skills. It was also found that online texting is positively perceived by students as it helps them develop vocabulary and provides great opportunities to practice writing in English. For this reason, online texting is an efficient and effective technique that should be exploited to develop proficiency in writing.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

3 (9)





How to Cite

LAKHAL, M. . (2020). The Effects of Online Texting on Moroccan EFL University Students’ Writing Skills. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 3(9), 102-112.


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ICT, online text-based communication, writing achievement