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Exploring and Analyzing Recurrent Errors in the Interpretation of the Holy Quran: Error Analysis
The study aimed at discovering the difficulties that face Non-Arab Muslim translators of QURAN, mainly problems occurred at the level of semantic issues. The researcher attempted to analyze these difficulties and compare them to the correct translations based on the Arabic knowledge. Many examples had been shown with such verses from the holy Quran that were concerned with such words translated wrongly due to the misunderstanding of these words, especially with Non-Arab translators. The researcher adopted an experimental descriptive and comparative method in the study. As a result of this study, the non-Arab Muslims translators are lack of Arabic knowledge and some grammatical rules, so they have to be familiar with the Arabic language before translating any Islamic texts.
Article information
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation
Volume (Issue)
3 (9)
How to Cite
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