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A Prey to Fear, Anxiety, and Pain: The Voice of a Thoughtful Woman
The silent voice of a woman full of the pain of losing her child, which she fills by writing a mourning poem, and her goal is to make her voice known to everyone. In Romanticism, the poet was considered a prophet, an unknown legislator speaking for the whole humanity; however, women poets were marginalized. The identity of a few romantic-era women writers and poets of poetry books is unknown today. The present study gains significance as the findings can shade lighter on why women poets as vital and influential members of the Romanticism era failed to occupy their deserving place among the major poets of the time in spite of their promising social space. Women wanted to be recognized and identified as human beings in general and poets in particular. By providing a detailed analysis of Charlotte Smith, this study has explored how she maintains her idealized feminine image while she pursues a profession outside of the domestic realm. Charlotte Smith conveys a compelling visionary image of a new woman and challenges the patriarchal concept that women could not and should not engage in poetry writing. This article is taken from a number of articles about Charlotte Smith, and its results are recognizing the silence of a woman's silent voice in the field of writing poetry and literature in the world.
Article information
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation
Volume (Issue)
5 (5)
Open access

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