Research Article

Literary Analysis of Mysterious Characters of Suspension Characters in The Novel "Tell Me Your Dream" By Sydney Sheldon


  • Berliana Hutahaean Penerjemahan Sastra Inggris, Gunadarma University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Jum'a Khatib Nur Ali, M.Si Gunadarma University, Jakarta, Indonesia


This article aims to analyze strange characters of tremendous character in the novel Tell Me Your Dream by Sidney Sheldon. Like any other Sheldon's previous novel, this novel tells an interesting, strange story with a woman as the main character. The writer also employs the knowledge about the strange character which apply in the novel that can be used to convey information. And last but not least, the writer can give a contribution to teaching prose. Based on the background of the topic, the writer states the exact problems of this study as follows: 1) how is the definition of mysterious characters generally? 2) What are the multitudinous characters of the main character shown in the novel? 3) What is the benefit of Tell me your Dream in teaching Prose? Based on the problem the writer states, the objectives of this study are as follows: 1) To describe the definition of the multitudinous character. 2) To give an explanation of the multitudinous characters of the main character that occurred in the novel. 3). This research applied data collection method with Content-analysis: The method of data analysis through some ways such as reading the novel, books and international journal, international thesis, classifying the data, and analyzing the novel's content. Based on the analysis, the writer summarized that Tell Me Your Dreams, a novel written by Sidney Sheldon in 1998, is one of the media of teaching prose, for example, analyzing a novel. The benefit of analyzing novels for Teaching Proses is an alternative fun way of studying prose.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

5 (2)





How to Cite

Hutahaean, B., & Ahmad Jum'a Khatib Nur Ali, M.Si. (2022). Literary Analysis of Mysterious Characters of Suspension Characters in The Novel "Tell Me Your Dream" By Sydney Sheldon. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 5(2), 93-97.







edukasi, analisiswacana, multimodal, novel