Research Article

Literary Translation Analysis of Indonesian Short Story Apel dan Pisau


  • Lusi Mardiana Student of Master’s Degree in Translation Studies, English Department, Gunadarma University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Jum’a Khatib Nur Ali Lecturer of Master’s Degree in Translation Studies, English Department, Gunadarma University, Jakarta, Indonesia


Translation allows readers to enjoy literary works from all over the world without being constrained by foreign language mastery. For Producing commensurate literary works, translation strategies are employed to deal with different language systems. This research aims at investigating strategies employed by the translator in translating the Indonesian literary work into English. This Descriptive-Analytical Study has been completed by qualitative and quantitative methods. The data sources used are the Indonesian short story Apel and Pisau by Intan Paramaditha and its translation. The 219 collected data are analyzed by using Kazakova’s theory of literary translation. The results in this study indicate that the translator used (1) The Observer Strategy 70,78% (155 data), (2) The Helper Strategy 23,74 % (52 data), (3) The Adherent Strategy 3,65 % (8 data), and (4) The Enlightener Strategy 1,83% (4 data). The study reveals that the strategy dominantly prevailed is the observer strategy (70,78%), and the most dominant approach is unbiased (74,71 %). Also, it is found that the translation ideology is foreignization, where the translator tries to keep the sense of originality of the author’s work.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

4 (12)





How to Cite

Lusi Mardiana, & Ali, A. J. K. N. (2021). Literary Translation Analysis of Indonesian Short Story Apel dan Pisau. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 4(12), 172–180.



Kazakova, Translation Strategies, Literature Work, Literary Translation, Foreignization, Indonesian Short Story