Research Article

A Morphological Analysis Focusing on Word Formation Processes of Indonesian Pageant Lover’s Register in Instagram Comment


  • Nurhidayati Tazar Gunadarma UniversityMagister Program of Literature, Concentrating on Translation, Gunadarma University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Ichwan Suyudi Magister Program of Literature, Concentrating on Translation, Gunadarma University, Jakarta, Indonesia



Pageant lovers (PLs) in Indonesia use special registers in communicating with each other in their group when discussing pageants on their Instagram accounts. This study aims to find out what types of word-formation processes are found in the register of pageant lovers (PLs) in Indonesia and explain the meaning of that register and how it is translated into English. The data in this study are all words, phrases and sentences, as well as PLs conversational dialogues taken from captions and comments on several PLs Instagram accounts in Indonesia. The research method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative method. The data is analyzed through linguistic characteristics to examine the types of word-formation processes and translate them into English from the data collected. The results of the study show that the PL register in Indonesia has types of word formation, namely (1) Blending: boti, natdir, gercep, gaje, gece etc. (2) Clipping: unfoll-unfollow, parno-paranoid, etc. (3) Acronym: OMG, etc. (4) Coinage: deseu, deswita, alemong, keron, gorjes, alemong, pewong, mekiwati, kenti, buleleng, centong, bensiyong, udin, adindut, luk laik, etc. (5) reduplication: merong-merong, lobi-lobi, jor-joran, henpik-henpik, kaleng-kaleng etc. (6) Abbreviation: PHP, IDL, MU, MS, MGI, MW etc. (7) Compounding: swimsuit, catwalk, etc.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

4 (12)





How to Cite

Tazar, N., & Suyudi, I. (2021). A Morphological Analysis Focusing on Word Formation Processes of Indonesian Pageant Lover’s Register in Instagram Comment. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 4(12), 158-163.







word formation; pageant lover; register; instagram.