Research Article

The Using of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Approach: A Case Study of Jordanian Female EFL Learners at University of Jordan


  • Kosay Alshwater Department of Curriculum and instructions, Faculty of Education, Muta’a University, Jordan


This paper aims to explore the experiences of Jordanian English as a foreign language (EFL) student concerning communicative language teaching. Classroom surveys were used to gather data from three separate sources. The quantitative method was applied to collect and evaluate data through classroom surveys, which were statistically assessed using suitable methods. Female students (N = 115) who participated in the research. In terms of the significant conclusions, data interpretation revealed gaps in the subjects' experiences of EFL Learning. Furthermore, the results showed that EFL teachers in Jordan face various difficulties when introducing communicative language learning in their classrooms. Three points of concern were regularly identified: student challenges, institutional issues, and problems with the administrative structure. Overall, the findings showed that despite the problems, Jordanian EFL learners regard the CLT method favourably.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

4 (6)





How to Cite

The Using of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Approach: A Case Study of Jordanian Female EFL Learners at University of Jordan. (2021). International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 4(6), 141-147.



EFL Students, CLT, principles, Female perception, Jordanian EFL Female.