Research Article

The Comparison of Rhetoric in Chinese and English Commercial Advertisements


  • Yuchan Lin Department of English and Communication, Faculty of Humanities, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Fuzhou 350007, China


Nowadays, we are living in the information era with frequent commercial activities. As an effective way to spread information, we can see advertisements almost everywhere in our lives. The characteristics of advertising determine the regular use of rhetoric in both Chinese and English ads. However, the application of rhetoric in both Chinese and English promotion involves a similar discipline. This thesis intends to explore the effects of advertising on different rhetorical devices by analyzing three rhetorical devices, including the figure of speech, parody, and pun. Additionally, this thesis also compares the uniqueness and similarities of rhetorical devices used in English and Chinese advertising styles. By comparing how these devices are used in Chinese and English advertisements, marketers and businesses can understand the language nuances deeply to develop context-relevant advertisements.

Article information


International Journal of English Language Studies

Volume (Issue)

6 (3)





How to Cite

Lin, Y. (2024). The Comparison of Rhetoric in Chinese and English Commercial Advertisements. International Journal of English Language Studies, 6(3), 01–05.
