Research Article

Compensation Strategies Use in EFL Students’ Translation from Arabic into English


  • Abuelgasim Mohammed Department of English Language, College of Science & Humanities, Hawtat bani Tamim, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, 11942, Saudi Arabia


Several techniques and strategies are used in translating a source language (SL) into the target language (TL). The purpose of these techniques is to produce a successful translation. Compensation is one type of these strategies. This study aimed at investigating the use of compensation strategies by Saudi EFL students in translating Arabic texts into the English language. Specifically, it attempted to reveal the types of compensation strategies used in the students’ target texts (TTs) and the most common types of compensation. Adopting content analysis, the study analysed six TTs produced by six students enrolled in a translation course in the summer term for the academic year 2021 in a Saudi public university. Results showed that the TTs contained all types of compensation. Results also revealed that compensation by splitting was the most common type. In second place appeared compensation in kind, compensation by merging, and compensation in place. The study recommended that translation instructors need to train their students extensively on compensation strategies to assist them in producing successful TTs.

Article information


International Journal of English Language Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (1)





How to Cite

Mohammed, A. (2023). Compensation Strategies Use in EFL Students’ Translation from Arabic into English. International Journal of English Language Studies, 5(1), 106–112.



Compensation strategies, Translation, Target Text, Source Text, Meaning Loss