Research Article

Syntax of the Linguistic Sentence in Children with Down Syndrome in the Sultanate of Oman


  • Zahir Aldawoodi Associate Professor of Linguistics, Sultan Qaboos University, Department of Arabic Language, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Sultanate of Oman
  • Zahir Al-Gheseini Assistant Professor of Andalusian Literature, Department of Arabic Language, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Sultanate of Oman


This study aims to trace the syntax of the linguistic sentence in children with Down syndrome by giving them pictures from children's stories and asking each child to describe the pictures after hearing the natural children’s descriptions. This is to trace the syntax used by children with Down syndrome and demonstrate they are to communicate with their peers and the way they construct linguistic sentences as their ability to speak and express is less than their ability to understand what is being said. This study focused on answering the question it posed, which is the extent of the ability of children with Down syndrome in the Sultanate of Oman to express themselves and what structures they adopt in their expressions. This study is based on a clear principle saying that the linguistic sentence is a complete expression indicating a meaning. The study finds that these children, compared to normal children, rely on sentences with transformational structures. This is possibly due to the lack of the expressive vocabulary they need to describe a scene or an image. They use the past tense and imperative, not the present tense.

Article information


International Journal of English Language Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (1)





How to Cite

Aldawoodi, Z., & Al-Gheseini, Z. (2023). Syntax of the Linguistic Sentence in Children with Down Syndrome in the Sultanate of Oman. International Journal of English Language Studies, 5(1), 80-86.







Down Syndrome, Linguistic sentence, Communication, Syntax, Pronunciation.