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Prediction Chart: A Tool in Enhancing Reading Comprehension
Reading is considered as one of the essential components of the macro-skills in Linguistics and it is one of the various language skills that a learner must possess. It is an acquired skill for which the individual has the unique ability to pursue meaning from the text. Given this definition, the main purpose therefore of reading is comprehension, and without it, reading does not take place. The study assessed the effectiveness of prediction chart in enhancing the reading comprehension of Grade 12 students of University of Cebu Lapu-lapu Mandaue, Mandaue City, Cebu, S.Y. 2019-2020. The study employed a quasi-experimental design. The research subjects of the study were 46 Grade 12 students. These subjects were grouped into two heterogeneous groups: the control group and experimental group. The experimental group were the only subjects exposed to the use of prediction chart, using the interventional material “My Father Goes to Court” by Carlos Bulosan, while the control group were exposed to the traditional classroom instruction using the same intervention material. A researcher-made questionnaire was utilized to assess the effectiveness of prediction chart. Based on the study results, the control group's pretest performance has a significant difference from their posttest performance. This implies that the use of the traditional classroom instruction or pure lecture does not enhance the reading comprehension of the control group. In contrary, pretest performances of experimental group significantly differ from their posttest performances. Thus, the study concluded that the use of prediction chart in enhancing the reading comprehension of grade 12 students is effective. With this premise, the students can develop higher order thinking skills (HOTS) and camaraderie while learning as they step higher on their level of education.
Article information
International Journal of English Language Studies
Volume (Issue)
3 (2)
Open access

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