Latest Issue

Vol. 4 No. 2: International Journal of Cultural and Religious Studies

(July-December Issue, 2024) In Progress ...

Published: 2024-06-23

Research Article

Building Awareness of the Law, Nation, and State with Taqwa According to the Al-Qur’an and Sunnah

Nahlah Nahlah, Achmad Abubakar, Hasyim Haddade; Muh. Ridwan Markarma

The Resonance of Doomsday in Abdurrahman Shiddiq’s Poetry and its Relevance to the Qur'an

Hidayatullah Ismail, Mochammad Novendri S, Khairunnas Jamal, Dasman Ya...

The Social Factors of Unity According to the Prophetic Tradition

Fazluddin Farahmand, Zaheeruddin Awab

Identity and Belonging in Multicultural Contexts: Navigating Complex Dynamics

Khadija Boualam, Abdelghanie Ennam

Misyār Marriage and Its Rules According to Contemporary Jurists

Fazluddin Modaqiq, Abdul Subhan Sediqi

The Investment Contract In Islamic Law

Mohammad Hayat MUNIB, Khawaja Mahmood Rashed, Lal Mohammad SHIRZAD

The Effect of Qassama in Proving Murders of Unknown Killers

Mohammad Younos Adam Abdallah, Meeloud Mohammed Abraheem Aldhabaa

Zakat al-‘Urud and How It Is Performed in Islamic jurisprudence

Ahmad Zubair Abdullah, Shamsul Haq Hanif, Sayed Sibghatullah Ibrahimi

Economic solutions of the Holy Quran for the establishment of Islamic society

Fazluddin Mudaqiq, Abdul Subhan Sediqi

Investigating the Harms and Solutions of Language Harassments in Quran and Sunnah

Mohammad Yasin "Falah"