Research Article

Dimensions of Eco-Sufism in Pangersa Abah Anom's Sufism Practices on Environmental Conservation


  • Sunarno Post Graduate in Sufism-IAILM Pon-Pes Suryalaya, Indonesia
  • Asep Salahudin Post Graduate in Sufism-IAILM Pon-Pes Suryalaya, Indonesia
  • Wawan Post Graduate in Sufism-IAILM Pon-Pes Suryalaya, Indonesia


This article examines the application of Sufism values ​​contained in the figure of Hadrotus Sheikh KH Ahmad Shahibulwafa Tajul Arifin or known as Abah Anom in relation to environmental conservation. As is well known, the ecological crisis that is occurring in the modern era is fundamentally influenced by a crisis of perception or wrong view of nature. Nature is seen only as a material object and is not sacred. This article reveals that Sufism is the right alternative as a solution to overcome the environmental crisis. Sufism, with its teachings on the unity of existence, harmonization of the relationship between God, nature, and humans, and ethics based on divinity and noble values ​​can become a new paradigm in looking at nature holistically and can be the answer to modern human problems that are the main cause of the crisis. environment. One form of application of the application of Sufism values ​​in environmental conservation can be found in the figure of Hadrotus Sheikh KH Ahmad Shahibulwafa Tajul Arifin or known as Abah Anom. As a Sufism practitioner who views life in a unified and holistic way, Pangersa Abah Anom not only has the view that natural preservation must always be maintained and interpreted, but he also applies this view through concrete actions so that it has a direct, concrete impact. The paradigm and attitude that he applies in preserving nature can be categorized as eco-sufism. Eco-sufism is an idea that emphasizes the spiritual aspect of understanding and utilizing nature and contributing positively to sustainable development. The real manifestation of the implementation of eco-sufism from Pangersa Abah Anom can be seen in his efforts to build a water reservoir called the Nurmuhammad Dam, as well as reforestation with various plants in the Pondok Pesantren Suryalaya area.

Article information


International Journal of Cultural and Religious Studies

Volume (Issue)

1 (1)





How to Cite

Sunarno, Salahudin, A., & Wawan. (2021). Dimensions of Eco-Sufism in Pangersa Abah Anom’s Sufism Practices on Environmental Conservation. International Journal of Cultural and Religious Studies, 1(1), 39-49.







Sufism, environmental crisis, eco-sufism