Research Article

A Multi-modal Critical Pragmatic (MCP) Analysis of Deji Ige’s selected poem Let there be Light


  • Ordu, Stanley Research Department, Chaps multi- Concept Ltd, Nigeria
  • Francis Attah Egu Languages and Communication Unit, School of General studies, Federal Polytechnic of Oil and Gas, Bonny, Rivers state, Nigeria


This work examines the use of language in conveying a message to the public through spoken word poetry. It applies a descriptive method in its analysis. It uses the multi-modal critical pragmatics as the theory that guided it. The results of the study revealed that Nigeria is a critical mess position as corruption and evil vices have kept the country from developing. The poem also extols a presidential aspirant in the forthcoming 2023 election as a leader that is capable of redeeming the country from its predicament and restoring hope to its citizens. In conclusion, the poem is clamouring for a change of leadership.

Article information


Journal of Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis

Volume (Issue)

1 (1)





How to Cite

Ordu, Stanley, & Francis Attah Egu. (2022). A Multi-modal Critical Pragmatic (MCP) Analysis of Deji Ige’s selected poem Let there be Light. Journal of Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis, 1(1), 14–22. Retrieved from



let there be light, pragmatics, language, communication, poetry