Research Article

Employees’ Work Performance Using Accounting Information System in Remittance Centers


  • Fershie Yap President Ramon Magsaysay State University, Philippines
  • SOFPHIA LOU FEROLINO President Ramon Magsaysay State University, Philippines


This study aimed to determine the effects of using an accounting information system on the work performance of remittance centers’ 53 employees utilizing a descriptive survey method with a questionnaire as the main instrument in gathering data. It was found that the respondents strongly agreed on the factors affecting the usage of the Accounting Information System and are very high in their work performance. There is a significant difference towards Technological, Location, Effectivity, and Productivity based on the number of years in service, Effectivity based on salary income, and a significant relationship between the factors affecting the usage of AIS and work performance. Therefore, the owners of remittance centers are encouraged to improve the office readiness and safeguard from natural calamities; the internet connectivity and facility for the centers are encouraged to keep abreast of the needs of time and develop a competitive edge over other remittance centers; that employees and personnel may be given seminar, training and workshop for work cooperation, teamwork and collaboration for better and efficient delivery of services; an appropriate amount of orientation and awareness for mastery on the usage of accounting information system to avoid pressures on the implementation and manipulation of the software program.

Article information


Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (6)





How to Cite

Yap, F., & FEROLINO, S. L. (2023). Employees’ Work Performance Using Accounting Information System in Remittance Centers. Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting Studies , 5(6), 41-49.



