Research Article

A Comparative Study of Life Quality in Urban and Rural Areas of Afghanistan: A Case Study of Jawzjan Province


  • Sohaila Haidary Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Education Faculty, Jawzjan University, Jawzjan, Afghanistan


The difference between households in terms of quality of life has many economic, social, and cultural consequences. One of the factors behind the difference in the quality of life and the level of welfare among households is the place of residence. This article compares the quality of life and the level of welfare among households in rural and urban areas of Afghanistan. The data used in this research is first-hand, which was obtained by the self-made questionnaire of the researcher. The variables of this research include all the socio-economic characteristics of rural and urban households, and the variables of the quality of life and welfare of the households in terms of nutrition, cost, housing, housing facilities, ownership of durable consumer goods, etc., have been studied. The results show that in all indicators of quality of life and welfare, urban households have a much better situation than rural households. The most important factors affecting the low quality of life in rural areas are the low level of income in rural areas, the methods of earning income, the type of work, the lack of rural development policies in the country, the low level of investment in rural areas, the lack of development projects.

Article information


Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (4)





How to Cite

Haidary, S. (2023). A Comparative Study of Life Quality in Urban and Rural Areas of Afghanistan: A Case Study of Jawzjan Province. Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting Studies , 5(4), 01-09.







Quality of Life, Welfare, Urban Area, Rural Area, Households, Afghanistan