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The Handbook of Technical Analysis + Test Bank: The Practitioner's Comprehensive Guide to Technical Analysis: Book Review
Trading in the financial markets requires a well-thought-out strategy that includes proper entry and exit points for trades, risk management, and a signal that may be useful for executing trades more efficiently. Technical analysis is one of the types of analysis that a trader or investor can incorporate into their plan, though technical analysis may involve unfamiliar terminology to the novice. Professionals, amateurs, and novices all attempt to trade in various markets, most notably the stock market, foreign exchange market, and crypto currency market. Their technical analysis knowledge is necessary to execute their trades more effectively. As a trader in a variety of markets, it is necessary to constantly seek out resources that may aid in comprehending the theories underlying a trading application. A component of the objective is to review and examine the information and explanation provided about technical analysis. As such, the reviewer's goal is to increase the book's readership and help readers finally grasp the fundamentals of technical analysis.
Article information
Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting Studies
Volume (Issue)
4 (2)
Open access

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