Article contents
The Correlational Analysis between the Industrial Sector and Agriculture Sector towards Economic Development
The Correlational Analysis between the Industrial Sector and Agricultural Sector towards Economic Development. This research aims to determine the current situation of the Construction, Manufacturing and Agriculture industry in the Philippines and the significant relationship of the manufacturing and construction industry towards the agriculture sector. The researchers gathered data from the Philippine Statistics Authority Using the Manufacturing and Construction Industry as the Dependent variable and Agricultural Sector as the independent variable. The researchers used statistical methods and measurements using Pearson correlation and Multiple Regression to determine their results. The Pearson correlation results indicate that there is a strong positive relationship between Manufacturing-Agriculture and Construction-Agriculture Industry. Our findings from the regression analysis suggest that there is a positive effect between the manufacturing industry, construction industry and agricultural sector.
Article information
Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting Studies
Volume (Issue)
4 (2)
Open access

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