Research Article

The Paradox of Inequality: Factors Influencing Income Inequality in the Philippine Setting


  • Ma. Mikaela Margaux Miguel Department of Economics, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines
  • Corinne Joyce Molod Department of Economics, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines
  • Kate Ann Velardo Department of Economics, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines
  • Kevin Jamir F. Pigao Professional Lecturer, University of Santo Tomas, Manila Philippines


In the Philippines, income inequality is one of the country's most serious issues. This study aims to look at some of the factors that influence income inequality in the Philippines; Educational spending, GDP per Capita, and tax revenue. These are the Philippine elements that have a significant impact on this study; On how citizens pay their taxes, the state of the country's GDP, and its educational priorities. The importance of these elements will be discussed in this study to eliminate income inequality in the Philippines and for every Filipino citizen to develop in their lives. Secondary data will be used ranging from 2000-2019. The results show that all independent variables are significant to each other, with an R-squared of 0.988. The results also show that GDP had the most significant relationship with Income inequality compared with the other variables.

Article information


Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting Studies

Volume (Issue)

4 (1)





How to Cite

Miguel, M. M. M., Molod, C. J., Velardo, K. A., & Pigao , K. J. F. (2022). The Paradox of Inequality: Factors Influencing Income Inequality in the Philippine Setting. Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting Studies, 4(1), 569–588.



Income Inequality, Educational Expenditure, Tax Revenue, GDP per capita