Research Article

The Effect of Market Value Added (MVA), Liquidity and Solvency Ratio and Dividend Policy on Stock Return with Firm Size as the moderating variable (Study on LQ45 Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange)


  • R. Juwita Effendy Student of Master of Accounting Program, Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Dwi Asih Surjandari Razmjoo Assistant Professor, Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia


This study aims to analyze the effect of Market Value Added (MVA), Liquidity and Solvency Ratios, and Dividend Policy on Stock Returns with Firm Size as a moderating variable (Study on LQ45 Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange) the periods of 2015 to 2019. The research samples consist of 28 companies with the object of research the Market Value Added, Liquidity Ratio, Solvency Ratio and dividend policy as independent variables, Stock Return as a dependent variable and Firm Size as the moderating variable. The analysis uses multiple regressions with E-views version 10. The results show that the liquidity ratio and dividend policy have a significant effect on stock returns, while market value-added and solvency ratios have no effects. Firm size can moderate the liquidity ratio and dividend policy on stock returns, but it cannot moderate market value-added and solvency ratio to stock returns.

Article information


Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting Studies

Volume (Issue)

4 (1)





How to Cite

R. Juwita Effendy, & Razmjoo, D. A. S. (2022). The Effect of Market Value Added (MVA), Liquidity and Solvency Ratio and Dividend Policy on Stock Return with Firm Size as the moderating variable (Study on LQ45 Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange). Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting Studies , 4(1), 244-253.







Market Value Added, Liquidity, Solvency, Firm Size, Stock Return