Research Article

Understanding of Financial Literacy as a Moderating Variable on the Effect of Financial Technology on Financial Inclusion in Lubuklinggau City, Indonesia


  • Martini Martini Universitas Bina Insan, Indonesia
  • Sardiyo Sardiyo Universitas Bina Insan, Lubuklinggau
  • Reza Septian Badan penelitian dan Pengembangan Kabupaten Musi Rawas
  • Devi Anggreni sy Universitas Bina Insan, Lubuklinggau
  • Deni Nurdiansyah Universitas Bina Insan, Lubuklinggau


This study investigates the effect of fintech on financial inclusion, and financial literacy, it was able to influence financial literacy on financial inclusion in Lubuklinggau. The research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to eight districts in the city of Lubuklinggau with a total sample of 401 people who use fintech as the main requirement. Data analysis was carried out with WarpPLS to identify direct and indirect effects on the tested variables. Based on the results, the perception of the ease and effectiveness of using fintech does not affect financial inclusion in Lubuklinggau. People are still not familiar with fintech and consider fintech as a new financial system and not easy to use. The level of risk and interest in using fintech has a significant influence on the financial inclusion variable in the Lubuklinggau. The indirect analysis explains it proves that financial literacy is able to moderate perceptions of the ease of using fintech and reduce the risk of fintech itself on financial inclusion. However, financial literacy is not able to moderate the effectiveness of using fintech and interest in financial inclusion to use of fintech after understanding financial literacy, people become more selective in using fintech.

Article information


Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting Studies

Volume (Issue)

3 (2)





How to Cite

Martini, M., Sardiyo, S., Septian, R., Anggreni sy, D., & Nurdiansyah, D. (2021). Understanding of Financial Literacy as a Moderating Variable on the Effect of Financial Technology on Financial Inclusion in Lubuklinggau City, Indonesia. Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting Studies , 3(2), 140-151.







Fintech, Financial Literation, Financial Inclusion