Research Article

pH Monitoring Online


  • Deden Disa Abdullah PT. Antareja Mahada Makmur site Multi Harapan Utama
  • Arham Aminush Shidqi PT. Antareja Mahada Makmur site Multi Harapan Utama
  • Dedy Sukma Ramadhandi PT. Antareja Mahada Makmur site Multi Harapan Utama
  • Allisa Pratami PT. Antareja Mahada Makmur site Multi Harapan Utama
  • Mukhiturrusda Mukhiturrusda PT. Antareja Mahada Makmur site Multi Harapan Utama
  • Sudarmawan Sudarmawan PT. Antareja Mahada Makmur site Multi Harapan Utama
  • Aan Ardyantoro PT. Antareja Mahada Makmur site Multi Harapan Utama
  • Robi Sudarwis PT. Antareja Mahada Makmur site Multi Harapan Utama
  • Anton Triwibowo PT. Antareja Mahada Makmur site Multi Harapan Utama
  • Taufik Ramadhan PT. Antareja Mahada Makmur site Multi Harapan Utama


As the largest coal exporting country in the world, Indonesia needs efforts to prevent various negative things for coal mining activities to maintain the balance of the surrounding nature. One of the many affected by mining activities is water. The wastewater quality must be checked regularly before it flows into water bodies. This research aims to describe the company's program created by the Safety Health & Environment (SHE) department and Center of Excellence (CEO) Department to monitor wastewater generated from mining activities for 24 hours. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. This descriptive research explains the program for monitoring pH in mining wastewater. The results showed that this online pH monitoring was made to measure the pH of water from mining waste and was carried out to reduce the potential for disruption of biodiversity in the environment around wastewater disposal. The creation of this program also has an impact on cost efficiency because it can be used online and can be controlled remotely.

Article information


Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Studies

Volume (Issue)

4 (2)





How to Cite

Abdullah, D. D., Shidqi, A. A., Ramadhandi, D. S., Pratami, A., Mukhiturrusda, M., Sudarmawan, S., Ardyantoro, A., Sudarwis, R., Triwibowo, A., & Ramadhan, T. (2023). pH Monitoring Online. Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Studies, 4(2), 08-11.







mining, water quality, water pH monitoring