Research Article

Contribution of Remote Sensing and GIS to Identify the Potential Area for Artificial Recharge in Fractured Area in the Talmakent Region, Western High Atlas, Morocco


  • Hayat Ait inoh Laboratory of Geosciences, Faculty of Sciences Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco
  • Mohamed Tayebi Laboratory of Geosciences, Faculty of Sciences Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco
  • Rajji Abdelatif Laboratory of Biotechnology, Valorization of Phytojenetic Ressources, Faculty of Sciences, Sultun Moulay Sliman University, Beni Mellal, Morocco


In view of the progressive retreat of groundwater due to rarity, continuous depletion and overexploitation of water, especially in mountainous areas, which are a major source of water, there is a need for artificial recharge for better management of these resources to ensure their long-term sustainability. The approach used is a contribution of new geomatic technologies; Remote Sensing coupled with Geographic Information Systems, for the mapping of potential areas of artificial recharge in the fractured medium of the Talmakent region, which is located in the western high atlas and is characterized by the presence of impermeable rocks. This study requires the consideration of different factors influencing the recharge potential, which are the characteristics of the land surface such as geology lineaments, geomorphology and drainage system. All these criteria are grouped in a GIS prototype in which a multi-criteria overlay analysis has been done for the cartographic restitution of the potential areas for artificial groundwater recharge. The existing basins in the area revealed that only 6% of the total area was identified as having a high potential for groundwater recharge, hence suitable for the implementation of new artificial recharge structures. While 94% of the area has a low to moderate recharge potential, hence unsuitable for groundwater recharge processes.

Article information


Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Studies

Volume (Issue)

3 (1)





How to Cite

Ait inoh, H., Tayebi, M., & Abdelatif , R. (2022). Contribution of Remote Sensing and GIS to Identify the Potential Area for Artificial Recharge in Fractured Area in the Talmakent Region, Western High Atlas, Morocco. Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Studies, 3(1), 24-36.







Geographic Information System, Remote Sensing, Lineaments, DEM, Drainage System, Artificial recharge. Groundwater, Western High Atlas.