Latest Issue

Vol. 5 No. 1: Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies

(January-March Issue, 2023) 

Published: 2023-01-16

Research Article

A Literature Review of E-Learning Technology in Higher Education

Purwono Hendradi, Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani , S.N Mahfuzah

Analysis of the Effect of Using E-Learning on the Learning Process Using the UTAUT Method

Syekh Budi Syam, Gede Putra Kusuma

Comparison of SVM, NBC, and KNN Classification Methods in Determining Students’ Majors at SMK N02 Manokwari

Siska Howay, Suhirman Suhirman

Electronic Archiving and The Extent of Its Application in The Municipality of Kufra, Libya: A Case Study in Monitoring Health Services and Its Affiliated Clinics

Mousa Muhammed Omar Karbaj, Rabha S. Anbaiwa, Mohamed Hamad Lamin Eseh...

Analysis of User Preference Algorithm Recommendation Mechanism in News Communication

Shang Cao

Nanotechnology and Quantum Dot Lasers

Husien Salama, Billel Smaani, Faouzi Nasri, Alain Tshipamba

A Study of Ethical Issues in Natural Language Processing with Artificial Intelligence

Yongfeng Ma

Multi-Sensor Data Simulation and Object Detection: Integrating Cameras, LiDAR, Radar, and Depth Estimation for Enhanced 3D Analysis

Deshpande, Spriha