Research Article

Electronic Information Resources for Learning and Research Activities among Undergraduate Students in the University Library


  • Wisdom O. Anyim Library Department, Rhema University, Nigeria


The study investigated electronic information resources for learning and research activities among undergraduate students in National Open University of Nigeria library, Dutse, Abuja Model Study Centre. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for this study. A convenience sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 366 re gistered users of the university library from a population of5,124 respondents comprises undergraduate students. Instruments for data collection that were used for the study include a structured questionnaire. Copies of questionnaires were distributed to the users of the library through a research assistant while frequency counts, percentages, mean scores were statistical measures used for data analysis. Findings revealed that online databases, search engines, the World Wide Web (www), e-journal, e-book, OPAC, Portal, enewspaper/magazine, online indexes and abstracts were among the electronic information resources available in the library and were used to a great extent for research by students. From the result, poor internet connectivity, lack of steady power supply, lack of information retrieval skills, inadequate ICT infrastructure and insufficient functional computers constitute the challenges associated with utilization of electronic information resources for research by students. Based on the findings of the study, recommendations were made for library to provide other electronic information resources that were not available. to the students in order to widen the scope of the resources currently employed to serve users; students should be provided with a platform where they can give feedback regarding their perception of the facilities, resources and services provided at the library; librarians and other staff must be committed and willing to act promptly on the complaints of the users and also continuously review and improve the digital library system. University authority must also ensure that adequate fund is released for acquisition of facilities and resources.

Article information


Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies

Volume (Issue)

1 (1)





How to Cite

Anyim, W. O. . (2019). Electronic Information Resources for Learning and Research Activities among Undergraduate Students in the University Library. Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies, 1(1), 28-35.







Electronic Resources, Information Resources, Learning, Research, Students, National Open University of Nigeria, Dutse, Abuja Model Study Centre