Research Article

A Linguistic Study of Offensive Language in Online Communication Chatgroups


  • Qasim Obayes Al-Azzawi Professor, University of Babylon, College of Education for Humanities, English Department, Iraq
  • Mohanned Jassim Dakhil Al-Ghizzy Assistant Lecturer, University of Babylon, College of Education for Humanities, English Department, Iraq


Since offensive language, words and expressions are widely used nowadays on the internet; the current paper is an attempt to discover and investigate offensive language that is used in one medium of electronic communication, which is “chatgroups”. The study focuses on analyzing and explaining offensive words and expressions found in chatgroups with their types and functions. The data of this study are a type of screenshots, (20) screenshots are randomly gathered from synchronous chatrooms. The analyses reveal different types of offensive language; these types are (vulgarity, insult, epithet, taboo, obscenity, and profanity). Besides, the functions of these offensive words and expressions are (body part, sexual, connotative, metaphoric, and expletive).

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics Studies

Volume (Issue)

2 (2)





How to Cite

Al-Azzawi, Q. O., & Al-Ghizzy, M. J. D. (2022). A Linguistic Study of Offensive Language in Online Communication Chatgroups. International Journal of Linguistics Studies, 2(2), 170–175.



The Nature, Definitions, Types, Functions of Offensive Language, Online Communication, Chatgroups