Research Article

Noun Structures in the Persian-Dari Dialect of the People of Farah Province in Afghanistan


  • Mohammad Haroon Wahedi Assistant Professor, Farah University, Afghanistan
  • Sharaafuddin Najm Assistant Professor, Kunduz University, Afghanistan
  • Aqlima Sediqi Senior Student at Dari Department of Farah University, Afghanistan


This study explores the noun groups’ structures in the Persian-Dari dialect of the people of Farah Province in Afghanistan. It aims to bring out the variations between the Standard Persian and the one which is spoken in Farah, in the west of Afghanistan, to analyze if there are any differences in the Farahi Persian dialects. To reveal the various structures of the Persian dialect of Farah residents in the west of Afghanistan, a qualitative approach was adopted. The data for the study was collected both from a spontaneous conversation of the native residents in public places and from the selected conversation among 30 Farah University students. The results of the study revealed some remarkable variations in the daily conversation of the Farahi natives. The changes included reduction, increase, and transformation in shape and of the nouns used in the Persian dialect of the residents of Farah compared to Standard Persian. It is the fact that Farah is neighboring Iran, which has effects on the language dialects. These effects are not only seen in the noun phrases. They are also widely visible in other linguistic units of the people living in Farah.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics Studies

Volume (Issue)

2 (2)





How to Cite

Wahedi , M. H., Najm, S., & Sediqi, A. (2022). Noun Structures in the Persian-Dari Dialect of the People of Farah Province in Afghanistan. International Journal of Linguistics Studies , 2(2), 41-45.



