Research Article

Research on the Development of Translation Faculty in Higher Education Institutions in Guangxi's Ethnic Minority Regions from the Perspective of Educational Ecology


  • Cheng Sheng Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities, 533000, Baise, China
  • Liang Dingchang Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities, 533000, Baise, China
  • Li Peilong School of Languages and Cultures, Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities, 533000, Baise, China


This study, grounded in the educational ecology theory, investigates the development of translation faculty in higher education institutions located in Guangxi’s ethnic minority regions. It examines the current status of translation faculty, identifying the key ecological factors that influence their professional growth, such as institutional policies, cultural diversity, resource availability, and broader social and environmental conditions. By analyzing these factors in detail, the research seeks to propose effective strategies that can support and enhance the professional development of translation faculty members in these regions. The study highlights the significance of understanding the ecological environment surrounding faculty development, offering both theoretical insights and practical recommendations for improving faculty support systems and creating a conducive growth environment. The findings reveal that educational ecology provides a new and valuable perspective for understanding faculty development challenges, helping to build an effective framework for fostering the growth of translation teachers in Guangxi’s ethnic minority regions.

Article information


International Journal of English Language Studies

Volume (Issue)

6 (4)





How to Cite

Cheng Sheng, Liang Dingchang, & Li Peilong. (2024). Research on the Development of Translation Faculty in Higher Education Institutions in Guangxi’s Ethnic Minority Regions from the Perspective of Educational Ecology. International Journal of English Language Studies, 6(4), 66-73.







Educational Ecology; Guangxi Ethnic Minority Regions; Higher Education Translation Faculty; Teacher Development.