Research Article

Interpersonal Skills: A Gateway to Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace


  • Imane Messaoudi Doctoral Student, Faculty of Languages, Letters, and Arts, English Department, Ibn Tofail University, Kénitra, Morocco
  • Sana Sakale University Professor, Faculty of Languages, Letters, and Arts, English Department, Ibn Tofail University, Kénitra, Morocco


Interpersonal skills are one of the fundamental in demand soft skills in the 21st century. They are essential in that they have a great impact on one’s creativity and team dynamics in the workplace, as they enable individuals to interact positively and work effectively with others. They help with the management of challenging interactions in a controlled and focused manner, and also with providing a lasting impact. Accordingly, the present paper aims at demonstrating how emotional intelligence can be promoted through interpersonal skills, specifically in the workplace. This will be exhibited by introducing the different communication styles out there (analyzer, driver, relater, and expresser), determining how one’s communication style may be perceived and adapted as needed using words, tone, pace, and non-verbal cues, demonstrating active listening skills and questioning styles to explore issues and enhance understanding, behaving assertively, instead of aggressively, and stating one’s view with increased confidence. Determining ways to build and maintain trust to increase influence, personal reputation and eminence, providing and receiving feedback effectively, identifying conflict responses styles, and recognizing when and how to use conflict resolution processes. Touching upon all these interpersonal aspects and working on developing them comes with a great deal of emotional monitoring, control, and professional success. At the workplace, it is important to not only excel at our work, but also pay attention to the way we approach our personal interactions, as they can be either deal makers or breakers.

Article information


International Journal of English Language Studies

Volume (Issue)

6 (2)





How to Cite

Imane Messaoudi, & Sana Sakale. (2024). Interpersonal Skills: A Gateway to Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace. International Journal of English Language Studies, 6(2), 172-176.



