Research Article

Metonymic Words and Expressions Characteristic of American English


  • Elnara Putayeva Teacher of English language, Ph.D. Student, Chair of Linguoculturology, Azerbaijan University of Languages, Baki, Azerbaijan


When a particular metonymic word or expression is used, it is necessary to have certain cultural and historical knowledge in order to understand what is concealed within these metonymic expressions. Sometimes these metonymic expressions reveal the variety and characteristic features of a culture and give an idea of its being different from others. In the following paper the main intention is to analyze metonymic expressions in American English and to indicate variety that they bring to the speech of language carriers. Metonymy is also used in everyday language in order to give a more colorful and precise expression to ideas. Metonymies are approached as conceptual processes of extension, i.e. they are not so much relationships between words as relationships between concepts. It is interesting to note from a methodological point of view that while research on metaphor, cognitive or otherwise, has been able to focus on its object of matter without necessarily considering metonymy, things are quite different when metonymy comes under analysis. People with resembling cultural backgrounds and many similarities in common may share similar metonymic expressions, but for those who do not have the same cultural background it could sound like a challenge. Metonymy is accordingly a relevant linguistic device that plays a key role in the study of language and culture, and in understanding the speech of people from different cultures. The variety that these expressions cover may range from proper names to names of food and meals.

Article information


International Journal of English Language Studies

Volume (Issue)

2 (4)





How to Cite

Putayeva, E. . (2020). Metonymic Words and Expressions Characteristic of American English. International Journal of English Language Studies, 2(4), 73-80.







American English, metonymic expressions, variety, ethnic minorities, racial differences