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The Use of Kuki Chatbot Application to Improve English Achievement
The use of digital media is one of the topics recommended in the Platform Merdeka Mengajar (PMM), a teacher-independent learning platform and a benchmark in the implementation of the Curriculum Merdeka. In this study, the researcher used an artificial intelligence called a chatbot Kuki application. Chatbots are automated conversational agents that can interact with users in natural human language and provide support anytime, anywhere. Kuki is an embodied Artificial intelligence bot designed to befriend humans in the Kuki, formerly known as Mitsuku. The researcher first carried out pre-observation to show students’ English achievement. The result is that students' English achievement is still in the low category. Mostly students stated that media in learning is a factor in low achievement. The objectives of this study are to find out: 1) whether the use of Chatbot Kuki can improve students' English achievement. ,2) students' engagement in applying the Kuki Chatbot, 3) Students' perception of the usage of chatbot Kuki and how learning steps are taken by using chatbot Kukis, and 4 ) The steps of Learning English by using Kuki Chatbot in the class. The research conducted Qualitative research by using two classes, namely Experimental and Control classes. Both of the classes are given a pre-test and post-test to see the students’ achievement. The student’s engagement is based on three dimensions: cognitive, behavioural, and emotional engagement. Student engagement is observed by an observation sheet; students' perceptions are used in a Likert scale analysis, and a validation test is performed to see the learning steps in using the Kuki Application. The result of the study is that there is an improvement in students’ English achievement in experimental classes. The Students' engagement is active, and the perception of the students is positive. The English achievement of students in class IX of SMP 3 Alla Enrekang is improved.
Article information
International Journal of English Language Studies
Volume (Issue)
6 (1)
Copyright (c) 2024 Suriati Pasang, Ammang Latifa, Salasiah Ammade
Open access

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