Research Article

An Analysis of Instructional Design Model and Students’ English Achievement


  • Andi Tenri Ampa Makassar Muhammadiyah University, Indonesia
  • Syamsiarna Nappu Makassar Muhammadiyah University, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Basri D Indonesia Muslim University, Indonesia


Teaching English in Indonesia should get attention to face the era of globalization. The initial survey shows that students still face problems or difficulties in learning English, especially productive skills. So, the study aimed to investigate the kinds of instructional design models (IDM) conducted by lecturers, to expose the stages of IDM, and to describe the learning achievement of the students’ English productive skills. The subjects of this study were lecturers who taught English productive skills, namely speaking and writing skills, and the fourth semester students who had programed these courses. The procedures were (1) a preliminary survey of learning problems, (2) designing research instruments, (3) validating instruments, (4) collecting data through instruments, and (5) analyzing and interpreting the results of data analysis. The instrument was a questionnaire that aimed to obtain information from lecturers, while the test aimed to measure the achievement of students’ English productive skills. The results showed that the lecturers used several kinds of IDM with various stages, and the students’ English achievement was in good classification for speaking skills and fair for writing skills. Therefore, the lecturers were considerably required to choose the kinds and various stages of IDM in their teaching and learning processes.

Article information


International Journal of English Language Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (3)





How to Cite

Ampa, A. T., Nappu, S., & Basri D, M. (2023). An Analysis of Instructional Design Model and Students’ English Achievement. International Journal of English Language Studies, 5(3), 35-47.



