Research Article

Choral Reading for Improving Oral Literacy in the English Classroom



English speaking fluency is one of the 21st century communicative skills that are given so much attention and importance by most employers across the globe. Many Filipino graduates have difficulties finding a job because of poor oral literacy. This study determined the effectiveness of the choral reading strategy in improving students’ oral literacy in Grade 11 English, Lusaran National High School, Cebu City, S. Y. 2019-2020. The study used a quasi-experimental method, utilizing rubrics to identify and determine the research subjects' performances. Findings showed that most of the students in the two groups of subjects showed a fair performance in the pretest. The two groups of subjects showed an increase in performance based on the scores earned in the posttest. There is a significant difference in the posttest performances of the control and experimental groups. There is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest performances of the control and experimental groups. The group which had choral reading for improving oral literacy in the English classroom showed a high increase in performance. Choral reading is an effective strategy for improving oral literacy as it develops the students’ oral literacy in terms of volume and expression.

Article information


International Journal of English Language Studies

Volume (Issue)

4 (2)





How to Cite

Mendaros, S. (2022). Choral Reading for Improving Oral Literacy in the English Classroom. International Journal of English Language Studies, 4(2), 01–12.



Reading Strategy, English Classroom, Choral Reading, Oral Literacy