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Evaluating the Textbook Used in the Greek Centre of Further Merchant Marine Education: School of Mechanics
This paper attempts to evaluate a teaching textbook used in the Greek Merchant Marine Center of Further Education: School of Mechanics. The evaluation considers adult learners’ needs and practices to evaluate the prescribed textbook used in this institution. This textbook has been used for a long time and, though it includes proper ESP knowledge, it is considered to need embellishment to satisfy learners’ growing needs, especially as it concerns engineering vocabulary. The research question mainly investigates whether this textbook helps learners in their practice of receptive and productive language skills both in general English and English for Specific Purposes use. Following a checklist of evaluation criteria, internal and external evaluation took place. It was found that the textbook is considered very plain and unattractive by learners. Though it includes the teaching of main vocabulary and grammar necessary to learners, it does not include material for pronunciation practice. Furthermore, it does not offer enough practise of all four language skills. It does not present activities for the practicing of vocabulary use or writing. There is also a lack of participatory tasks like group activities or teamwork. The findings contribute to the field because they could help embellish the teaching material with more communicative tasks and open-ended activities, which would motivate, interest, and engage learners more. The more purposeful use of technical language would be aiding mechanics in their training and in their work field in merchant navy vessels.
Article information
International Journal of English Language Studies
Volume (Issue)
3 (3)
Open access

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