Article contents
Teachers’ Perception of Students’ Misbehavior and Assertive Discipline in English Classroom
Students’ misbehavior has become one of the major problems in the English language classroom and affects the teaching and learning process. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the teachers’ perception of students’ misbehavior and if it really affects their teaching process and the students’ learning process. The Qualitative methodology was used to collect data for this study. The main mode of data collection instruments used for this study was Teachers’ Interview, Observation and Students’ Interview, in which the data was triangulated to counter biases. The Interview questions focused on the teachers’ perception of students’ misbehaviour and how it disrupts their English language lesson. The teachers were also asked about their perception of assertive discipline approach. Observation was done, and a field note was created based on the happenings in the specific observed class. To round it up, the students' perception of their behavior and the classes’ environment was collected. It was evident that the teachers’ perception towards students’ misbehavior was a disruption to their lesson. It was primarily based on the student's lack of interest and discipline towards learning English.
Article information
International Journal of English Language Studies
Volume (Issue)
3 (3)
Open access

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