Research Article

Digital Literacy, Competence, Identity and Intelligence: The Four Teachers Essential Skills in 21st Century


  • Shadi Forutanian PhD Student at University of Tehran, Iran


These days, digital literacy, digital competence, digital identity and digital intelligence are becoming essential skills for everyone, especially teachers. Understanding their concepts and components is essential for teachers even more than learners in the process of these digital skills development. If teachers have not capabilities in these four skills, they couldn’t transfer any knowledge to learners in online environments undoubtedly. Even proper, on time, enough and complete knowledge transfer from teachers to leaners never happened. The results of this study show that teachers had low awareness about 4D skills and couldn’t understand and define 4D skills very well. The present qualitative study measured teachers’ awareness about these digital skills by semi-structured interviews and based on the retrieved data, proposed a Quality 4D (digital literacy, digital competence, digital intelligence) skills framework for measuring and developing of teachers 4D skills.

Article information


International Journal of English Language Studies

Volume (Issue)

3 (1)





How to Cite

Forutanian , S. . (2021). Digital Literacy, Competence, Identity and Intelligence: The Four Teachers Essential Skills in 21st Century. International Journal of English Language Studies, 3(1), 09–16.



Digital literacy, digital competence, digital identity and digital intelligence