Aims & Scope

Founded in 2020, the International Journal of Biological, Physical and Chemical Studies (IJBPCS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by  Al-Kindi Center for Research and Development. It covers the latest developments in the broad areas of biology, physics and chemistry. The journal offers readers free access to all new research issues relevant to biology, physics and chemistry. While the journal strives to maintain high academic standards and an international reputation through the suggestions of the international advisory board, it welcomes original, theoretical and practical submissions from all over the world. The journal includes, but is not limited to the following fields:

botany, zoology, cell biology, ecology, microbiology, genetics, physiology, hydrobiology, neurobiology, developmental biology, biochemistry, molecular biology.

astrophysics and geophysics, biophysics, computational physics, condensed matter physics, engineering physics, free electron physics, laser and quantum electronics, medical physics, optics, semiconductor physics and devices, solid state physics, space physics, Biophysics and Medical Physics, Complex Systems Physics, Computational Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Cosmology and Early Universe, Earth and Planetary Sciences, General Relativity, High Energy Astrophysics, High Energy/Accelerator Physics, Instrumentation and Measurement, Interdisciplinary Physics, Materials Sciences and Technology, Mathematical Physics, Mechanical Response of Solids and Structures, New Materials: Micro and Nano-Mechanics and Homogeneization, Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Optics, Physics of Nanostructures, Plasma Physics, Quantum Mechanical Developments, Quantum Theory, Relativistic Astrophysics, String theory, Superconducting Physics, Theoretical High Energy Physics, Thermology, Aeronomy and Space Physics; and Astrophysics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Biophysics, Condensed Matter, Electromagnetism and Optics, Elementary Particles and Fields, Fluid Dynamics, and Plasmas, Gravitation and String Theory, Mathematical Physics, Nuclear Physics, Physics Education Research, Quantum Physics and Quantum Computing, Relativity and Cosmology, Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics.

Analytical chemistry, Biochemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Materials, nuclear chemistry, physical chemistry, Neurochemistry, Organic chemistry, Nano chemistry, applied chemistry, structural chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Agricultural & Soil Chemistry, polymer chemistry, chemical engineering, environmental chemistry, medicinal chemistry, Petroleum Chemistry, Forensic Chemistry, Phytochemistry, Macromolecular Chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, Natural Chemistry, Analytical Research Works, QSAR Studies, Nanotechnology, Biotechnological Research Works, Method and Process Development, Drug Development.