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Lecturers' Perceptions of PBA in Teaching Academic Writing Courses
One of the best learning strategies for achieving synchronization between student achievement during the learning process and final grades is performance-based assessment. In the Academic Writing course, where the goal is to develop students to become proficient novice writers, Performance-Based Assessment is an approach used to help postgraduate students meet their learning objectives. Therefore, Performance-Based Assessment (PBA) is one of the best learning strategies, according to lecturers, who are undoubtedly based on their experience, based on the maximum amount of study undertaken by researchers, as well as data gathered through observation, interviews, and documentation. The research design used in this study is a single case study research design. This research design was chosen with consideration in order to obtain more detailed data about the respondents studied. In this study, an academic writing class that applied Performance Based Assessment (PBA) as a learning strategy was studied. The results of this study indicate that the application of Performance-Based Assessment is responded positively by students in the learning process. In conclusion, the application of Performance-Based Assessment is the best strategy in the lecture process, as indicated by the enthusiastic response of students with the implementation of PBA in the Academic Writing learning process.