Research Article

Academic Performance and Attitudes toward Mathematics Challenge of Junior High School Students


  • Jonathan Etcuban Faculty, Associate Professor, College of Education, Cebu Technological University, Cebu City, Philippines
  • Marqueen Mendoza Teacher, Department of Education-Mandaue City Division, Mandaue City, Philippines
  • Jusan Catalan Teacher, Department of Education-Mandaue City Division, Mandaue City, Philippines
  • Kenneth Ruiz Teacher, Department of Education-Mandaue City Division, Mandaue City, Philippines


The Mathematics Teachers Association of the Philippines, Inc. (MTAP) was organized to serve as an appropriate venue where mathematics teachers can come together, interact with one another, and share each other's expertise in pursuing excellence in mathematics education. This research aimed to determine the mathematics performance of the MTAP attendee and non-MTAP attendee and their attitude towards mathematics as to anxiety, confidence, enjoyment, benefits, and value of Grade 7 in the three identified high schools in Mandaue City, Philippines, as a basis for an action plan. This study used 267 randomly selected Grade 7 students from the selected high schools. A survey questionnaire was used to get the data of the respondents as to their attitude towards mathematics as to anxiety, confidence, enjoyment, benefits, and value, and an MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge and Algebra Test Questionnaire was used to assess their mathematics academic performance. The gathered data were statistically treated using frequency, percentage, weighted mean, standard deviation, and Chi-square test of independence. The results revealed that MTAP participants performed well in terms of their attitudes toward mathematics and written questions. Thus, the MTAP program improves students' academic performance in mathematics. As a result, this study recommends the implementation of the action plan.

Article information


British Journal of Teacher Education and Pedagogy

Volume (Issue)

3 (1)





How to Cite

Etcuban, J. (2024). Academic Performance and Attitudes toward Mathematics Challenge of Junior High School Students. British Journal of Teacher Education and Pedagogy, 3(1), 58-73.







Teaching Mathematics, academic performance, attitudes, descriptive study, Philippines