Research Article

Strategies and Common Errors in Solving Basic Mathematics Problems among University of Cebu-Main Freshman BEED Students



This study identified the strategies employed and common errors committed by freshman BEED students in Solving Basic Mathematics problems. It emphasized the enhancement of the identified strategies through the implementation of a tutorial program. Identifying the common errors made by the respondents in the study will make students aware of their presence and prepare them for their exposure to such problem-solving situations. In effect, these identified errors will be minimized if not totally put to end. Three (3) strategies and common errors were revealed in the study. The three (3) strategies were identifying the target goal, identifying the key information, and drawing diagrams/tables. The three (3) common errors were being unable to derive and identify the correct working equation, being unable to label the final answer, and being unable to use the least common denominator in adding and subtracting fractions. To determine the relationship between the respondents' achievement in basic mathematics and their achievement in high school mathematics, attitude towards mathematics, and attitude towards the teacher, the Pearson r and the t–tests were computed. The results indicate a noteworthy correlation between students' performance in High School Mathematics and their achievement in Basic Mathematics. However, no significant relationships were observed among the remaining paired variables. In conclusion, a strong foundation in mathematics helps students strategize their solutions to worded problems well, thereby getting rid of errors along the way.

Article information


British Journal of Teacher Education and Pedagogy

Volume (Issue)

3 (1)





How to Cite

ABABON, J. B., Sumicad, R. P., Razonable, S. Y., Tesorio, G. T., Cagay, J. V., & De Vera, J. P. (2024). Strategies and Common Errors in Solving Basic Mathematics Problems among University of Cebu-Main Freshman BEED Students. British Journal of Teacher Education and Pedagogy, 3(1), 01-16.







Mathematics Achievement; Problem Solving Strategies; Descriptive-correlational; Common Errors