Research Article

Values-Based Leadership (VBL): Evidences from Selected School Leaders of Samar, Philippines


  • ROSYBELLE SABLAD Assistant Professor II, College of Education, Samar State University, Catbalogan City, Philippines


In the formidable tasks of school leaders during these years, their challenges encountered in managing schools, teachers, and students, and the dire need to successfully implement quality education underscored the application of values as they lead their respective schools towards the attainment of the national educational goal. Values-based leadership (VBL) generally guides them to overcome daily school operations. Hence, this study was conducted to explore the views and perceptions of school leaders of Samar on values-based leadership (VBL), to examine their experiences as they apply VBL, and to probe their coping mechanisms in difficulties encountered. With phenomenology as the main method of inquiry, all participants ascertained positive views of VBL as it influences and motivates teachers and other school stakeholders. VBL gives assurance to help teachers grow as it is achieved during a heart to heart talk with the concerned teachers. However, conflicting values of teachers and being misunderstood were disclosed as the difficulties they experienced while using VBL. Nonetheless, they manage to surpass challenges by treating everyone with impartiality and by being consistent in the decision-making. This research concludes that the personal values of selected school leaders in Samar have a greater influence on their daily journey as they lead their teachers, students, and other stakeholders. All participants’ narratives would certainly impart potential enlightenment among school leaders from various schools experiencing similar instances.

Article information


British Journal of Teacher Education and Pedagogy

Volume (Issue)

1 (3)





How to Cite

SABLAD, R. (2022). Values-Based Leadership (VBL): Evidences from Selected School Leaders of Samar, Philippines. British Journal of Teacher Education and Pedagogy, 1(3), 63-72.







Values-based leadership, ethics, school leaders, management, educational goals