Article contents
Trends, Issues, and Challenges on Early Childhood Programs: Shaping Sustainable Future for Children
This study examined different materials and articles that are connected with the experiences, observations, and insights of the researchers. They analyzed the current challenges and changes in the implementation of early childhood programs that affect the lives and learning of children. Through critical analysis of the materials and introspection of their own reflections and insights, the researchers were able to come up with conclusions and insights that could help educators, administrators, social workers, and volunteers to have a clear picture of the situations, contexts, and challenges being faced by those who have direct engagement with children. Moreover, trends, issues, and problems were also discussed so that researchers of this paper could offer sound and sustainable proposals that could identify the needs and diversities of children and the programs suitable to the existing needs and diversities.
Article information
British Journal of Teacher Education and Pedagogy
Volume (Issue)
1 (1)
Open access

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