Research Article

Senior High School Athletes’ Perception of Coach Leadership Behaviours Based on the Type of Sports


  • Richard Samuel Kwadwo Abieraba Faculty of Health, Allied Sciences and Home Economics Education, Department of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Sports, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana


The purpose of the study was to examine if SHS athletes’ perception of coaches’ leadership behaviour differed based on the type of sports (i.e., team or individual sports) in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. One hypothesis was generated to guide the research. The study employed a descriptive cross-sectional survey to conduct the research. A sample size of 1,002 respondents was drawn using multi-stage sampling from a population of 16,200 Senior High School Athletes in the Ashanti Region who took part in organised interschool sports competitions during the 2022/2023 academic year. An adapted version of the leadership scale for sports and an adapted version of the athletes’ satisfaction questionnaire were the instruments used for the study. Data were analysed using multivariate analysis of variance. Results indicated that the perceived coaches’ leadership behaviour by SHS athletes significantly differed across the type of sports {(F (5, 995) = .488, P <. 001}. Based on the findings, it is recommended that coaches should solicit athlete feedback on specific competition methods, allow athletes to define their own goals, and allow them to attempt things their own way, even if they make mistakes.

Article information


Journal of Sports and Physical Education Studies

Volume (Issue)

4 (3)





How to Cite

Richard Samuel Kwadwo Abieraba. (2024). Senior High School Athletes’ Perception of Coach Leadership Behaviours Based on the Type of Sports. Journal of Sports and Physical Education Studies, 4(3), 06-14.







Athletes, Individual Sports, Leadership Behaviour, Senior High School, Team Sports, type of sports.