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Correlation between Improved Balance and Decreased Limb Spasticity and Improved Muscle Strength in Post-Stroke Hemiparesis
Approximately 80% of stroke patients experience disability in the form of hemiparesis (weakness of half of the body). Physiotherapy problems that commonly occur in post-stroke hemiparesis include decreased muscle strength, spasticity, and balance disorders. This research is a correlation analysis study with one independent variable and 2 dependent variables, aiming to determine the correlation between balance improvement with decreased leg muscle spasticity and improved leg muscle strength in post-stroke hemiparesis patients, carried out at the Inggit Medical Center Clinic Makassar with a total sample of 12 people who met the inclusion criteria and were given intervention in the form of the bobath method for 10 treatments, the measuring instruments used were functional reach test (FRT) for balance, Asworth scale for spasticity, and chair stand for leg muscle strength. Spearman test between balance and muscle strength obtained a p value of 0.001 (p <0.05) with a positive r of 0.822 which means there is a positive and significant correlation between increasing balance and increasing muscle strength. While between balance and spasticity obtained a p value of 0.04 (p <0.05) with a negative r value of 0.584, which means there is a negative and significant correlation between increasing balance and decreasing spasticity. Improved balance has a significant relationship with increased muscle strength, and improved balance has a significant relationship with decreased spasticity in post-stroke hemiparesis patients.
Article information
Journal of Sports and Physical Education Studies
Volume (Issue)
4 (1)
Copyright (c) 2024 Ayu Feratywi, Anita Candra Dewi
Open access

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