Research Article

The Level of Time Management in the Administrative Bodies of the Club Participating in Volleyball: An Analytical Study


  • Shehab Ghalib Shehab College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Basrah University, Baghdad


Sports management has components and basics, the most important of which is time. One of the responsibilities of administrative work is to use the poles and the economy of effort in all facets of the work, and one of the unavoidable priorities has been time management. In the conventional sense, the significance of this research is examining the degree of time management exhibited by the club's administrative bodies that play volleyball. Among the most prominent of these problems is the weakness of time management, how to invest this energy, and scheduling administrative work according to a programmed curriculum. Among the goals of this study is to build and implement the time management form for the administrative bodies of clubs participating in volleyball and learn about the level of time management of the administrative bodies of the participating clubs in volleyball. The researchers used the descriptive approach in the surveying study method because it is closest to dealing with the research problem. The research community represents the first-class volleyball club players, which included (150) players. The sample was divided into two parts, which included the Building sample and the application sample. The construction sample number was (100) players, and the application sample number was (50) players. The findings exposed a serious flaw in the administrative structures of the volleyball league's participating teams. It is advised that the administrative staffs of the volleyball league's participating teams pay close attention to time management.

Article information


Journal of Sports and Physical Education Studies

Volume (Issue)

2 (2)





How to Cite

Shehab, S. G. (2022). The Level of Time Management in the Administrative Bodies of the Club Participating in Volleyball: An Analytical Study. Journal of Sports and Physical Education Studies, 2(2), 33–36.



Time management; administrative bodies