Research Article

Women and Sports: View from Stereotyping and Gender Differentials Perspectives


  • Md. Mahfuzur Rahman Khan Teaching Assistant, Institute of Social Welfare & Research, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh


Sports are viewed as manly demesne, and this generalization brings about men seeing more noteworthy capacity and appending more prominent significance to the sport than women. Society foresees that men and women ought to get, have confidence in, and satisfy explicit gender differentials and stereotyping that have been set up. At the point when sexual orientation standards are disregarded, it is basic for names to be offered, inquiries to be posed, and individuals to be mocked. While "customary" gender stereotyping has remained genuinely consistent in the course of recent hundreds of years, they have likewise been tested and defied by numerous women and women's activists. One explicit region in which customary gender differentials have been assessed and dissected is sports and proactive tasks. In any creating field, for instance, the one that began as "women in sport," key advancements can be followed through the development of the language utilized and the ideas created to communicate new understandings. The current investigation has been attempted to target evaluating the contribution of women in sports in various fields. From the quantity of variables that impact women in sports, gender differentials and stereotyping have been chosen for this investigation. This investigation has uncovered that when correlations were made with their male partners, women athletes have been similarly solid and were discovered to be similarly skilled, inventive, creative and capable.

Article information


Journal of Sports and Physical Education Studies

Volume (Issue)

1 (1)





How to Cite

Khan, M. M. R. (2021). Women and Sports: View from Stereotyping and Gender Differentials Perspectives. Journal of Sports and Physical Education Studies, 1(1), 01-04.







Women in Sports, Gender Stereotyping, Gender Differentials