Founded in 2021, the Journal of Sports and Physical Education Studies (JSPE) is a double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by Al-Kindi Center for Research and Development. The journal publishes papers in all aspects of education, sport, physical activity, psychology, physiotherapy, health and nutrition. All manuscripts are initially screened on their topic suitability and linguistic quality. The journal is led by expert international editorial board members who take an objective approach to peer review, ensuring each research paper is reviewed and evaluated on its own scholarly merits and research integrity. Publishing your work in the Journal of Sports and Physical Education Studies means you will receive prompt and reliable publishing and a global platform for your research to reach its full potential. The journal is published in online version only.

ISSN 2788-788X
DOI Prefix 10.32996/jspes
Started 2021
Frequency Continuous
Language Multiple
APC $150