Research Article

Examining the Employment of Indirect Communication by Donald Trump: Analyzing Verbal and Non-Verbal Strategies


  • Nazerke Kaldybekova PhD student, Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Kuliash Duisekova Doctor of Philology, Professor, Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumilyov, Astana, Kazakhstan,


Indirect communication is a fascinating aspect of human interaction, offering valuable insights into the complexities of human behavior, persuasion, and the influence of communication styles on public perception. Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, employed various verbal and non-verbal strategies to convey his messages indirectly, capturing the attention of researchers, journalists, and the public. This article aims to explore Trump's use of indirect communication techniques, examining their impact on public perception and providing insights into the intricacies of his communication style. Drawing upon the work of researchers and scholars in the field, the article synthesizes theoretical frameworks and concrete examples from Trump's speeches and interviews. By analyzing verbal techniques such as hyperbole, ambiguity, sarcasm, loaded language, and non-verbal cues including facial expressions, gestures, and personal style, the article sheds light on Trump's communication style and its influence on public opinion. The article contributes to the existing body of knowledge by providing a comprehensive analysis of Trump's use of indirect communication, offering practical and theoretical implications for understanding the dynamics of political rhetoric and its role in shaping public discourse. The findings from this investigation provide valuable insights into the complexities of indirect communication and its relevance in contemporary political contexts. The article also considers the impact of Trump's communication style on public discourse, political rhetoric, and the broader understanding of indirect communication in politics. It employs a qualitative approach, combining descriptive and interpretative methods, to analyze the data and present a comprehensive understanding of Trump's indirect communication. The article acknowledges the limitations of subjectivity in interpreting communication techniques and the reliance on publicly available sources, making an effort to include diverse viewpoints to provide a balanced analysis. Overall, the article offers a unique and in-depth exploration of Trump's use of indirect communication, contributing to the understanding of political communication and its impact on public perception. It presents new insights and perspectives on the subject matter, making it a novel contribution to the field.

Article information


Journal of Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis

Volume (Issue)

2 (2)





How to Cite

Kaldybekova, N., & Duisekova, K. (2023). Examining the Employment of Indirect Communication by Donald Trump: Analyzing Verbal and Non-Verbal Strategies. Journal of Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis, 2(2), 16–21.
